Dokter Muda Tewas  Dibunh

Dokter Muda Tewas Dibunh

Berita harian Waspada tanggal 28 April 2008 sangat mengejutkan. Seorang Dokter Muda tewas dibunuh. Sayangnya beritanya
West Java Election

West Java Election

Hade the Winners in West Java ElectionWednesday, 23 April, 2008 TEMPO Interactive, Bandung: The Regional General Electi
North Sumatra Election

North Sumatra Election

LSI Says Syamsul-Gatot Win North Sumatra ElectionThursday, 17 April, 2008 | 18:17 WIBTEMPO Interactive, Medan: Accordin
54 Indonesians Deported

54 Indonesians Deported

54 Indonesians Deported from the United StatesFriday, 11 April, 2008 | 18:20 WIBTEMPO Interactive, Tangerang: The gover