Thursday, 17 January, 2008 | 18:13 WIB
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Sanggam Sitorus, Marketing Research Manager at PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama, gas said that this year is a good year for the public to buy property.
This is because the political and economic conditions in 2009 will not support the property business.
“You must buy (property) this year because in 2009 the property market will slow down,” he said after the launch of The Wave apartment at the Eat For Health restaurant, Thursday (17/1).
Sanggam reasoned that in 2009 there will be a political event, the presidential election.
In addition, the property market will also be overshadowed by global crude oil prices, which are still above US$90 per barrel.
“Absorption will also go down despite property prices in Indonesia never going down,” he said.