Sovereign funds are buying into businesses around the globe, but the backlash is beginning to take hold.They control mo
BLU: Indonesia's Sovereign Wealth Funds Is On The Move
Dibentuk Badan InvestasiPaket Kebijakan Infrastruktur Dipastikan Tidak Akan Tuntas Sesuai JadwalJakarta, Kompas - Pemer

Sovereign-wealth funds too big to ignore
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The government-run investment pools known as sovereign wealth funds aren't new, but they're

Two Taiwanese Arrested In Indonesia
JAKARTA, Indonesia -- Authorities seized US$440 million (€310 million) worth of amphetamines in a raid on an illegal fa
Antara Basyral Dan Mula Harahap
Belakangan ini muncul tokoh blog yang sangat kontroversial dan mencerahkan, khususnya dalam topik-topik yang berhubunga

The Portibi Temple
The South Tapanuli area is the mostsouthern part on North Sumatera, bordering with the province of west Sumatera and Ri

Sejarah Tragis Raja Humabon
Selama masa kolonial, Spanyol menerapkan politik devide and rule (pecah belah dan kuasai) serta mision-sacre (misi suci
Mass Baptism: Christianization' Strategies Employed by the Spanish
Professor Susan RussellDepartment of AnthropologyCHRISTIANITY IN THE PHILIPPINES Recommended References: Fenella Cannel

Lapu-lapu Dan Tiga Opsi Sektarian
A. Syafii Maarif: Lapu-LapuSewaktu memegang mata kuliah sejarah Asia Tenggara pada jurusan sejarah IKIP Jogjakarta seki
A View of a Japanese On Batak Struggle Against Colonialism
The Batak Millenarian Response to the Colonial OrderJournal article by Masashi Hirosue; Journal of Southeast AsianStudi
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