• Berastagi Town
Berastagi is an area full of beautiful sceneries. It lies on highlands of North Sumatra, on plateau : 1400 meters (4.594 feet) above sea level in clean, cool air, and is surrounded by majestic mountains and impenetrable jungle. The 66 kms road winding up the mountain side offers a fascinating trip.
From Berastagi, there is a clear view of Mount Sinabung and Mount Sibayak. Mount Sibayak and extinct volcano 2000 m high, is not far way and can be climbed in a 3-hours hike to get a magnificent view of surrounding area. Adventurous tourist may also choose to go on a 3 to 5 days trip into jungle.
Berastagi is well-known for it’s abundance of flowers, vegetables and fruits. The ‘Marquise’ in particular, is a fruit farmed throughout Indonesian for its delicious taste and is grown only in the Beratagi region.
In the past few years. ’Pesta Buah’ (Fruit Festival)and ‘Pesta Mejuah-Mejuah’ have been celebrate annually.
There is a charming old colonial-style hotel in Berastagi with a delightful golf course. In former times, Berastagi was a weekend resort for the European planters in the area.
• Lingga Vilage
A village of Karo where one can see traditional Karo houses on still with high, pointed roofs-unchanged through the ages. The village lies 4 kms from Kabanjahe and 15 kms south of Berastagi. Some of the houses and structures in the village are more than 200 years old.
• Kabanjahe Town
Kabanjahe is not far from Berastagi (only 11 kms away). The majority of the population here make a living from farming and the skill maintain the traditional ways and customs.
• Barus Jahe Village
This is another village of Karo with traditional Karo hoses such as those found at Lingga. Here the village also the live in accordance with the old customs and traditional, there by maintaining original Karonese culture.
• Tongging Village
Tongging is also situated on the North Of Lake Toba, in vicinity of Sipiso-piso waterfall. The main attraction along the way to Tongging is the panoramic scenery, as the road runs along a plateau over-looking the Like Toba.
• Pecereen Village
Pecereen is another traditional Karo village located in Berastagi approximately 300 m from the main road or near Tahura.
• Danau Lau Kawar
The like is located at the foot Mt. Sinabung, about 27 kms from Kabanjahe the forests in this area have been virtually untouched by man, and the Like is famed for the clearness and freshness of its water.
• Sikulikap waterfull
This is onether attractive place which is viseted by foreign and domestic tourist. Located not far from Medan, the 51 kms can be conered by bus. Visitoris may go swimming in the clear water.
• Lau Debuk-Debuk
This place is approximately 60 kms from Medan in the direction of Berastagi, at the foot of Mt. sibayak. Ther is warm, water pond which water reportedly can cure various skin ailments.
• Sipiso-piso waterfall
It’s a norrow waterfall in the Karo highlind, falling from agreat height into a gorge. It is stuated 24 kms from Kabanjahe, to the North of Lake Toba. This area is famed fro its beautiful landscape, including of course this 360 feet waterfall.
One can see the blue-green hill and the magnificent Lake Toba in distance.
Visiotors may find accommodationi in Berastagi big and small hotels, Bukit Kubu Hotel with colonial architecture, and at the Sibayak Internatioanl Hotel, a new hotel with three-star rating