There is also a tourist information services here and it can be worthwhile to visit it.
Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser
Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser is an approximately 890,000 hectares big national park. The main part of the park is in the province of Aceh, but the park strectches into North Sumatera in the regencies of Langkat, Karo and Dairi. Leuser is the last place on earth where elephants, rhinos, tigers, clouded, leopards and orangutans are found within one area. Leuser has two major river system, two major volcanoes and three lakes. The Alas river cuts the park in the western and an eastern half. The driest months are February and June/July and the wettest March/April and September to November.455 of all recorded plant species in the West Indo-Malayan region are found in Leuser. There are around 700 animal species living in the park. Between 300 and 400 them are birds. About 8,500 plant species grow in the park, including the biggest flower in the world, Raflesia Arnoldi. Two million people depend on the area as their water resource.
Orangutan Rehabilitation
The orangutans where once living in almost all of Southeast Asia, between South China and Java. Today, however, they are only lef in Borneo an Sumatera. Ninety percent of the total orangutan population lives within the borders of Indonesia. Habitat loss and illegal pet trade seriously threaten their existence. The orangutan has, as a species, recently been classified. The two former sub-species are now considered to be two distinct species of orangutans. There several sub-species. The densest area for orangutan is in Aceh Singkil, in the part of Leuser National Park called Singkil Barat. In this area orangutans use tools (sticks) to open fruits, a sign of basic culture. The operations is partly financed by entranced. Orangutans arriving to the center are quarantined, treated for diseases, and trained to survive to the wild. When the training is finished they are released near the center where they are fed twice daily. The diet is monotonous in order to make them start looking for other food and eventually become independent of humans. The feedings are major tourist attraction.