Operation Gladio: Cara NATO Meneror Warga Eropa untuk Melindunginya

Organisasi NATO disebut menggunakan berbagai cara untuk melindungi Eropa dan sekutunya sebagai bagian dari misi utamanya. (baca)

Baca: Pesan Natal Paus Fransiskus, Damai bagi Dunia yang Diamuk Terorisme

Salah satunya adalah dengan menggelar Operation Gladio, sebuah lembaga teroris, yang sudah diterapkan seusai perang dunia II.

Consequently, Gladio was turned against the European communist parties. The Italian intelligence service together with the CIA began bombing public places in Italy, such as the Bologna train station in which 285 people were killed, maimed, and otherwise wounded. (sumber)

Baca: NATO’s Secret Armies. Operation GLADIO and the Strategy of Tension

Dalam operasinya operasi ini menggunakan cara-cara teror kepada warga Eropa sendiri, dengan menciptakan masala; tension, dengan menggunakan tangan-tangan mussulnya; mulai dari Komunis, kelompok kanan dan belakangan Islam dengan ISIS-nya.

Exactly when the pro-active part of the secret armies mission was turned into a means for domestic counter-subversion is not clear. At some point in the 1950s or 1960s there was a change in strategy that used the secret armies not just to gather intelligence on these groups and individuals, but to destroy their support through violence. Numerous terrorist outrages, from Turkey to Ireland, were instigated, provoked or simply carried out by members of the secret armies, including numerous bombings in Italy and the assassination of Aldo Moro, the Oktoberfest bombing in Munich and the Brabant Massacres in Belgium. All forms of urban terrorism were perpetrated, often by neo-Fascists posing as Leftists, in order to terrify the public, polarise public opinion and destroy support for mainstream Leftist political movements. The process was a great success, ultimately contributing to the downfall of the Soviet Union and ensuring that the policies chosen by the leaders of NATO countries were in keeping with the overall trajectory desired by the Anglo-American establishment. (sumber)

Baca: Gladio B: The Origins of NATO’s Secret Islamic Terrorist Proxies

Perekrutan terhadap migran Muslim yang labil secara masif dilakukan untuk meneror warga Eropa. Diharapkan, warga Eropa akan bersatu setelah 'diingatkan' mempunyai musuh.

Prepare to be stunned. Following World War Two, in business together were the Vatican, the CIA and the Mafia. Pope Pius X11 and friends created the Vatican Bank and started laundering drug money for the CIA. Lucky Luciano and the Sicilian Mafia helped the evolving CIA to create a huge money laundering scheme to pay for terrorist attacks that plagued Europe for many years, killing and wounding thousands to prevent leftists from taking over governments. The Vatican Bank provided funds for CIA to help overthrow leaders and social movements in many countries of Europe and Latin America etc. Imagine, the Australian government ousted in a coup. (sumber)


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